Diversify Your Land Assets
Firstway Energy works with landowners from across the UK to diversify their land assets and accelerate the transition to net zero
We are leaders in the development of utility scale renewable energy projects with 50 sites across the UK and a combined total capacity of more than 5GW.
Our friendly and experienced team has decades of renewable energy experience and held senior leadership roles at some of the largest global renewable energy developers, delivering over 40GW of renewable energy generation and storage.
We can unlock value from your underutilised land assets, providing a high level of long term income underwritten by some of the largest companies in the UK.
If you own either rural or industrial land we can evaluate the suitability of your site for a renewable energy project within 2 weeks.
Firstway Energy is looking for land partners with land that is...
Either rural or industrial
Close to an electricity substation
Not within an environmentally protected area
Minimum 4 acres for a battery site
Minimum 100 acres for a solar site
If you are unsure if your land is suitable please contact us.
Why build a renewable energy project on your land?
Our leases run for 35-40 year terms, providing land owners with a high level of income in excess of agricultural use and underwritten by some of the largest companies in the UK, giving the flexibility to borrow against the income.
We work with landowners to position the renewable energy assets in a location to cause minimal impact. Solar fields and battery energy storage systems can be easily installed on rough or unarable land that is not suitable for farming.
Biodiversity is improved with a site specific management plan. In many cases the biodiversity net gain is well in excess of 100%.
Installing a renewable energy project allows intensively farmed land to rest.
Renewable energy projects make an important contribution to net zero carbon emissions.
Leasing your land for a renewable energy project helps the UK lead the way in the drive to net zero and the fight against climate change.
Leasing your land for a renewable energy project enables you to secure a high level of long term income well in excess of the agricultural use of the land, while supporting the urgent need to decarbonise the economy.
Our leases are typically 35-40 year long agreements which tie in with the life of the solar and battery assets.
We work with you to understand what you want to achieve with your land assets and to evaluate the potential for renewable energy projects.
Firstway Energy manages every stage of the process including securing grid capacity and planning permission.
At the end of the lease, the electricity infrastructure is removed and the land is returned in better condition than before the renewable energy project was installed.
Unlocking the potential of your land
Initial telephone discussion and landowner consent to evaluate feasibility
Acceptance of grid connection offer and agreement of commercial terms
Grid, planning and legal assessment to determine feasibility
Site surveys, design and planning submission
Confirmation of project viability and short exclusivity period
Firstway fund the entire project including landowner legal and professional fees
What is battery storage?Battery storage or battery energy storage systems (BESS) technology has a critical part to play as we shift away from fossil fuels and complement renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. The battery systems proposed are based on cutting edge technology, but in simple terms, the individual lithium-ion battery cells are very similar to those found in many products we use in our daily lives, such as rechargeable vacuums, rechargeable lights, rechargeable power tools and electric cars. The previous energy system relied on fossil fuels (e.g. coal and gas) and the relevant quantity of coal and gas would be burned to meet the demand needed. As we move to 100% net zero/renewables (e.g. solar and wind) energy network the energy can only be generated when there is sufficient wind speed and/or daylight. The benefits of battery storage are threefold: 1) At times when surplus electricity is being generated from sources such as wind and solar, or when demand is low, electricity charges the batteries, this allows the energy to be used at a later time by the electricity network when the demand arises, e.g peak evening demand (6pm onwards) when demand is highest. 2) The batteries enable there to be a constant supply of electricity when the wind speed is not sufficient and/or there is no daylight. 3) The batteries ensure that any excess energy generated through solar and wind that is not required immediately by the grid is captured, so nothing is wasted.
Will a solar farm or battery storage development change the land classification?A solar farm or battery storage development is a temporary land use and assists landowners with farm diversification. It does not change the permanent land classification of the site.
Will a solar farm or battery energy storage system catch fire?There is a very low risk of a solar farm or battery energy storage system catching fire. Components of the solar farms and BESS are built using fire-resistant materials and the layout of the developments includes adequate separation to prevent the spread of a fire, if a fire was to occur. As necessary, components have fire detection systems and fire suppression systems built in (e.g sprinkler or mist system) to best practice industry standards.
Will the site be returned to its previous use?Yes, planning permission is sought on a temporary basis (usually 30-40 years) and planning conditions will ensure that the site is returned to its previous condition. During the operation of the site, the operator will pay into a decommissioning fund which will cover the removal of all infrastructure and restoration of the site to its previous condition. A decommissioning plan will also be conditioned by the Planning Authority which will require their approval.
Are solar farms and batteries energy storage systems noisy?Noise can be generated by certain elements of a project to assist in the cooling of equipment within the containers/buildings associated with the proposals. The noise is considered to be negligible to low in most cases and where a noise impact is predicted, mitigations measures are proposed to ensure there will be no unacceptable adverse impact on the amenity of surrounding uses. Noise will be generated during construction but this will be temporary in nature and in accordance with British Standard 5228 Code of Practice for Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites. All projects will be supported by a Noise Impact Assessment at the planning application stage, for the local planning authority to approve.
Are solar farm and battery energy storage systems components recyclable?Yes, as a renewable developer we are committed to ensuring that sustainability is at the core of each project. As such, we seek to use manufacturers and components that comply with European Union Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive, which seeks the efficient use of resources, and the retrieval of raw materials through re-use, recycling and other forms of recovery.
What are the traffic impacts from the development?The core traffic impacts from the development will be during construction. These movements will be for a temporary period and set out in a Construction Traffic Management Plan supporting all planning applications. During operation, there will be minimal vehicle movements, with 1-2 vehicle (small van) movements expected per month for maintenance purposes. The predicted vehicle movements will be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.